
“Great Day Louisiana” with Malik Mingo (April 2024)
Creative Assembly, New Orleans Museum of Art (April 2022)
“Meet the Readers: Tiana Nobile” in New England Review (February 2022)
3 Poets on Geography, Intimacy, and Dislocation, The Drunken Odyssey podcast (December 2021)
“Shifting the Paradigm: An Interview with Tiana Nobile on Cleave by Stacey Balkun in The University of Arizona Poetry Center (November 2021)
”Future We Dreamed Up on the Page” A Conversation with Muriel Leung in Hyphen Magazine (November 2021)
Adoptees On with Haley Radke (September 2021)
“Tender Excavations: Retelling Origin Stories in Adoption Narratives” by Leslie Sainz in Apogee Journal (August 2021)
“An Interview with Tiana Nobile” by Esteban Rodriguez in EcoTheo Collective (July 2021)
“The Reading Life” with Susan Larson on WWNO 89.9 (May 2021)
“One More Thing” by Helene Achanzar in Poetry Northwest (April 2021)
“Disrupting Lexical Expectations” by Henry Goldkamp in Southern Review of Books (April 2021)
“Front to Back: An Interview with Tiana Nobile” by Angela Redmond-Theodore in The Rupture (July 2019)
"Interview with Tiana Nobile" by Chantel Aida Gordon in The MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College (February 2018)
"'My Body a Stone Constantly Changing': Poet Tiana Nobile on Adoption and Uncovering Submerged Narratives through Erasure" by Leah Silvieus in Hyphen Magazine (November 2017)